Archive for May, 2012


WOD for Thursday 5-31-12

May 31, 2012

After some consideration, I’m going to postpone the multi event chipper originally scheduled for tomorrow until next Monday.  Given the considerable shoulder load today, I’d like to give them a break tomorrow so instead let’ do the following

3 Rounds for time of

33 Deadlifts @ 185/135

33 Touch the Ground Box Jumps 24/20

33 Situps

The WOD for Friday remains the same, beach games may be postponed to the following weekend.


Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Wods

May 30, 2012

WOD for Wednesday


For weight

Shoulder press 2×3

Push Press 2×3

Push Jerk 2×3

Split Jerk 2×3

Work-Rochella Lite

For time:

Row 500 m then


Thrusters/ Sumo Deadlift HighPulls (no drops) 80/55

WOD for Thursday 6-1-12

For Time:

100 Double Unders

90 Air squats

80 Situps

70 Pushups

60 Kettlebell Swings

50 Box Jumps (touch the ground)

400 m run

30 overhead press with a plate 45/

20 burpees

10 deadlifts at 225/155


Kipping Instruction and then Main Site’s wod from Today

For time:


Front Squats



Saturday-  Expect beach games. These are not the competitive team games we’ve had of recent date.  These are scalable and all are welcome, even last minute drop ins.  Events TBD given who shows up.


WOD for Tuesday and a MURPH recap!

May 29, 2012

I was really pleased at our 24 athlete attending the  MURPH  Memorial Day Workout.  Thank you all for participating.  These “special event” WOD’s really benefit from a big turnout, so your time was much appreciated.

I dont say this often, but regardless of time, if you finished the workout, pat yourself on the back.  The volumes in MURPH are very high and you ran two very hot miles.

As such, we will take things a little easier tomorrow, as follows

15-20 Minutes Stretch/Recover

WORK- 2 Attempts at max weight unbroken 30 rep hang cleans.  Last performed 9-28-11.

FOR COMPLETION- 100 Abmat Situps  and/0r 100 Hollow Rocks and/or 50 GHD situps

Hollow Rocks here.


MURPH 930 to 1130

May 28, 2012

Since it;s inception, CrossFit has had a very close relationship with the United States Armed Services.   The demands of the combat operator run much closer to the CrossFit ethos of preparing for the unknown and the unknowable, than any specific sport or game might.  Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen were among the first demographics to really adopt the CrossFit method.  

Among other venues, Crossfit acknowledges that early support from the Military with their HERO Wods.  Workouts named after fallen servicemen, of which MURPH is probably the most famous one.  Simple and brutal, MURPH is as follows

Run 1 mile

100 Pullups, 200 Pushups, 300 Air Squats (mixed in any fashion)

Run 1 mile


Please come and join us tomorrow any time between 930 and 1130 to honor all of our fallen servicemen with this measure of self sacrifice.  You can scale the volume as you see fit.  And we’ll have beer afterwards courtesy of your gym.    


Hope to see you there.


Brave Soldier Challenge results and Sunday Open Gym

May 27, 2012

The Brave Soldier Challenge went off fairly smoothly with minimal delays and administrative snafus.  Our friend Gene Avidano of CrossFit Wilmington won the overall title men’s title.  Jeff K and Jacqui completed all events in their first fitness competition,  Jade won her age group, I placed 2nd in mine and Nick took third in his.  We’ll try to get pictures up here, but meanwhile Jeff’s wife took some Marshall-quality pictures that are up on Jeff’s Facebook page.


Open Gym is Tomorrow 10 to 12.  Come out and work on a weakness.


WOD FOR FRIDAY 5-25-12. Please note 7am is cancelled. Weekend Schedule

May 25, 2012


For Time- Athlete’s choice on the order.

75 Ring Dips

75 Knees to Elbows/Toes to Bar

75 Backward Lunge pairs (right and left = 1) @ 40/25

I am forced into cancelling the 7am session tomorrow.  Apologies for the inconvenience.

Saturday the gym is closed, you are encouraged to come cheer people on at the ILM airport during the Brave Soldier Challenge.

Sunday– Open Gym 10-12

Monday 9:30-11:30 MURPH.  All are welcome.  Beer provided at the conclusion.


WOD for thursday 5-24-12. MURPH schedule and Brave Soldier prep

May 24, 2012

As some of you pointed out, Wednesday is usually our “easy” day and today was not particularly easy, so here are some options for tomorrow.  If you are sore/fatigued, I would therapy roll/stretch for 20 minutes and then do one, not both of the Wod Schemes below.  If you feel great, do both.

SUMO DEADLIFT 3×3.  Heavy exposures on all sets.  Be smart, take the bar off the ground slowly, and keep your lumbar curve intact.  If you cannot do so, reduce your weight.

100 WALL BALLS, EMOM 1 ascending pullup.  First minute 1, secind minte 2 etc until 100 wallballs are completed.
Brave Soldier Participants:  I suggest you do the following-6 tire flips, row 1600m, ten sandbag toss over the rope, run 1600 m. I’d row at 100% intensity, and run at 75% intensity to get some feel for the row-run combo but still save your legs a bit.


MUPRPH-  Memorial Monday 9:30 to 11:30  beer provided to all who finish.  Please let me know if you are planning on coming.



WOD for Wednesday, Thursday and Memorial Day Murph.

May 23, 2012

Wednesday- 4 rounds for time of:

Run 200 m

25 Kettlebell Swings

Run 200 m

25 Pushups (hand release)


Strength: 3×3 Sumo Deadlift

Work: 100 Wallballs for time.  Every minute on the minute ascending pullups. So first minute = 1 pullup, 2nd minute, 2 pullups. etc. Score is time @ 100 Wallballs or Round of Pullups at fatigue.

MEMORIAL DAY-  This year we’ll stay in CB for the CrossFit Tradition of running the Hero WOD  “Murph”, which is as follows:  1 mile run/ then (in any order you choose) 100 Pullups/ 200 Pushups/ 300 Air Squats/ then another 1 mile run.  I  am open to any 2 hour time frame, so please give me your input as to when you;d like this to happen and the majority will rule.  You can do a half or a quarter Murph if you like, or you can just treat it like open gym. Please vote on when in the comments section.


WOD For Tuesday 5-22-11

May 22, 2012


Push Press and Burpees

(20 seconds of Push Press,  10 seconds of rest. 20 Seconds of Burpees repeat x 8)

rest 5 minutes


Medball Sprawl to Overhead 20/14 and Box Jumps 24/20

21 minutes including the rest period



WOD for Monday 5-21-12

May 21, 2012

STRENGTH:  Back Squat 20-10-5-1 For weight. Bias your best effort to the set of 20.

WORK: As many rounds as possible in 10 Minutes of

8 Hang Snatches 95/65  (mandatory locked elbow on the catch)

2 Handstand Pushups or Wall Walk Ups.


Anyone who wants to hear even more evidence that calories in vs calories out is irrelevant to weight loss, and that sugar/starch consumption not fat consumption is the problem, is encouraged to head to youtube and type in “The Skinny on Obesity”  Several videos, roughly 10 minutes each, produced by University of California TV featuring Dr. Robert Lustig, a peditric endocrinologist from UCSF.  Saying basically the exact same thing Gary Taubes has been saying for a decade and CrossFit has been preaching for just as long.  But new and decently presented.  worth a look.