Archive for April, 2013


Competition details- Saturday May 11.

April 29, 2013

See the details below.  If you are interested you must 1) get a partner 2) register and pay 3) that’s it, there is no #3, except for GO and KICK ASS.

Nick and I are going as a team.  Lili is looking for a partner.  This is cheap, close, and one day only.  There are scaled divisions.

When: Saturday May 11th, 2013
Where: Crossfit Goldsboro
1216A Parkway Dr
Goldsboro, NC
Athlete Check-In: 8:00am-8:45am
Athlete Briefing: 8:45am
Start Time: 9:00am
Teams: Male/Male, Rx’d or Scaled Female/Female Rx’d or Scaled
Cost: $70 per team Before: May 1st
$80 per team After: May 1st
Registration Ends: May 8th, 2013 or we max out with
Sign-up here:

Come join us for a 1 day, 2-person Team competition hosted by CrossFit Goldsboro in Goldsboro, NC.  There will be Rx and Scaled team divisions.  Teams will do 3 WODs and the top five teams from both Rx and Scaled will advance on to the final workout.

Didn’t qualify for Regionals? Guess what, this is your competition and it’s designed for the common CrossFit athlete with a desire to compete and have fun. CrossFit Goldsboro is preparing an awesome event that will test your ability to tackle the foundational 10 skills of FITNESS! Grab a team mate, and prepare to have FUN! This is a great competition for those who have just started CrossFit or those who have been doing it for years. This is designed to test you on every level.



WOD for Monday 4-29 and Tuesday 4-30– Mud Run Notes.

April 29, 2013

EDITED MONDAY 9PM- Indulge me please as I brag a little: It was a busy weekend of competitions for some of our members and the results are in: At the third Combat Mud Run,Veronica Fernicola Basydlo with a time of 34:25/30th overall, 2nd place female, 1st place Female over 30. Niki Fish Dane 36:15 55th overall, 5th place female, 3rd Over 30. Scott Stalls 35:00, 38th overall. Jacqui Jacqui Smith Donovan, Greigh Lucas, Bob Farmer also all finished. Bob defeated all his coworkers! Brian Tyle took a break from teeps and left hooks to casually get 8th place in his Stand Up Paddleboarding comp. Veronica ran a 5k in North Myrtle Beach the next day and got 2nd overall! Then today’s squat numbers were outstanding. Jacqui 195×3, Kathleen 215×4, Jade 210×3, , Clark Andrea Wilson, new to it and still put up 170×3, Cedric R. 345×3, Cameron Rowe a ridiculous 375 for the triple in Innov-8s! And last but not least Veronica strikes again with a 185 x 3 more or less high barring the thing. I have forgotten MANY more amid the thunderstorm of PRs but OUTSTANDING WORK across the board. Great Day!


Strength 1- Back squat 3×3 for load

Strength 2- EMOM x 7 Back Squat x1 @ = to or Greater Than Strength 1

Work- Resisted Sprints with Tire+Sandbag.  1 length x 15 Attempts.  Rest as necessary.


Strength 1- Shoulder Press 3×3 for Load

Strength 2- EMOM x 7 Shoulder Press x 1 @ = to or greater than Strength 1

Work- For time:   1000m Row, 100 Double Unders, 10 Clean and Jerks at 185/115.


This past Saturday the third semi-annual Step Up For Soldiers Combat Mud Run took place with Jacqui, Veronica and Niki acquiting themselves well and representing the gym in their CFCB gear.  Bob F, Scott S, Greigh  all  also participated.  If you have finish times and/or positions, please let us know. Photos on the CrossFit Carolina Beach Facebook page.

Lastly, 7 am attendees, please keep an eye on this page for possible schedule changes to some of the w/th/f 7am sessions.  I will post more as soon as I know.


Open Gym Times for Saturday and Sunday and Another chance to compete!

April 27, 2013

I will be cheering on Jacqui, Niki, Veronica, Bob and other at the Step up for Soldiers Mud Run tomorrow from 10 to 12.  Therefore we will run Open Gym from 1230 to 230  as well as a bonus open gym Sunday from 10-12 to make up for last week’s missed session.

Additionally, please note THIS competition.  5-11-13 in GoldsBoro.  One day 3+ WODS $35 teams of 2.  Scaled and Rx’d.  Cheap, Close and Short.  I am going.  Get a same gender partner and join me.


Wod for Friday 4-26-13

April 26, 2013

Strength-  Deadlift 3×3 for Load. Pull and Drop.

Strength 2- Sumo Deadlift 3×3.  Touch And Go.

Work- 3 RFT 

Run 400 

20 Wallballs

10 Toes to Bar

5 Touch and Go Deadlifts at 75% of Strength 1.


WOD for Thursday 4-25-13

April 25, 2013

After Albert and Abby both suggested a rowing technique refresher, and given our recent rower updating, I realize it’s probably time so 

5-7 Minutes Row Technique. Video HERE.

Work 1— EMOM x 10

3 Overhead Squats for Technique/Load.

Work 2- 10 min amrap:
25 Snatch 75/45
25 Snatch 95/55
25 Snatch 115/70
25 Snatches at 135/80
25 Snatch 155/95
Scaled starts at the first line. Rx’d Starts at the second line

WOD for Wednesday 4-24-13 And Garage Games Recap

April 24, 2013

For Wednesday 4-24

Strength 1-  3×3 Shoulder Press

Strength 2- 3×3 Close Grip Bench Press Tempo 2-2-x-2

Strength 3- Lying Dumbell Tricep Extension 3×5

Work- for time

80 Russian (eye level) Kettlebell Swings 53/35

60 Touch The Ground Box Jumps 24/20

40 Kettlebell Push Press.  1-20 on the right followed by 21-40 on the Left.  53/35.  Try not to jerk/retreat the hip.

20 Chest To Deck, Hand Release Incline Pushups (feet mounted on any of the large tires)

10 Astroturf Lengths Backwards Tire Drag (m- Tire with sandbag, w- Empty Tire).


Garage Games recap

This past weekend in Myrtle Beach, Whitney, Adelynn, Jade, Rick, Wendy and myself all competed in what was called the “Vengeance Games”  so named because it was hosted by CrossFit Vengeance in nearby Surfside Beach.  Many of you have asked after the event, and while I sincerely hope more of you choose to experience one of the growing number of Fitness Competitions, I have some reservations about how this particular one was administered.

Chief among them was a profound lack of consistency from one judge to the next.  These events are staffed by volunteers who are given the most minimal of training and all of them mean well, but the integrity of the competition really suffers when, as was the case here, while heat #1 is competing, heats # 2,3 and 4 are observing the judges various interpretations of strict adherence, and jockeying for position at the station of the slackest judge (as well as avoiding the strict judge like the plague).  This is tolerable in an event for charity, but these Garage Games are for profit ventures that benefit the host facility at the expense of the contestants, so I think it;s fair to expect judging consistency.

There was an inexplicable scoring decision that led to an enormous number of teams all being tied for X Place.  The wod was a fixed 10 minute effort, and failure to finish before the time cap placed every team that failed to do so in a tie.  For example, in my division (CO-ED Rxd) 3 of the 11 teams finished the wod and were awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  8 of the 11 Teams did not, and ALL were awarded 4th place.  There is absolutely no reason to not just award place rankings based on work achieved prior to the cap.  People were livid at this development and at the failure to disclose the scoring structure more widely.

There was a last minute abandonment of the Pistol Range of Motion and Technique standard and what was substituted was an infinitely easier hybrid pistol type thing where athletes could stand one foot on top of the other and perform a squat-ish movement of sorts.

All of the above aside, there is still much to be said for having an event you prepare for, where you give your all, as does your competitor,  and at the end you see who comes out on top.  It is the next iteration of what we do every day in the gym.  It is not beyond ANY of you, and I encourage all of you to give a fitness competition a try. They are compelling.

“Yes, But How’d you do?”

Jade and Adelynn finished second of 11 teams in the Women’s Rx’d, with Adelynn in her first fitness contest.  Total points were tied at the end of 5 events with another team, so a tie breaking event settled the issue:  4 minutes row for max calories, with the displays hidden from the athletes.  Adelynn rowed the first and third 1:20 with Jade in the middle leg and our girls won 93 calories against the other team’s 82.  Picture below (and many more on CFCB’s facebook page.  If you’re not friends with us, please become such).

Whitney and myself finished 9 of 17 and all our scores were in or around them. A high point was the 1 rm shoulder press event, where we expected to struggle.  Whitney PR’d by 5 lbs at 100 and I surprised myself with a 165 and then ran out of time.  All in all, we were pleased with our efforts and communication with all our wod scores improving in competition vs when we practiced them.  The field was decently strong and based on the winner’s,  probably favored the larger athletes somewhat.  

Rick and Wendy were both first time competitors and accquited themselves well against a strange field; Strange in that the scaled division included some very fit people who probably would have been in the rxd divisions at any show that didnt have pistols or double-unders in it.  They 

did particularly well at the strength biased events.  From my personal perspective, I was particularly pleased to see Wendy rise to the challenge and take on an event like this. 18 Months ago I would not have predicted that she’d do so.  Well Done Wendy.  You have come such a long way.








WOD for Tuesday 4-23-13

April 23, 2013

Departing from the format a little bit.  Shoulder press strength, normally Tuesday, will be Wednesday.

So, Tuesday, as follows-

Teams of Two complete the following in order.  One athlete moving at a time.  Athletes forced into working alone by an odd #, please see the solo status below.

Row: 2 men-2500m, Coed 2250, Women 2k, Solo 1000.

Situps: 125. mm/coed/ww.   Partner can anchor the feet.  Shoulder blades to shoe laces. Solo 55 reps.

Sandbag Clean (Floor to one shoulder)-  Men 30 reps, Women 20 reps ( So, two guys=60 reps, Coed = 50 reps, 2 girls = 40 reps) Solo M/25, W/16

Pullups Men 30 reps, Women 20 Reps. (again 2m=60 reps, coed=50, 2w=40)  Scale with bands to the point where the athlete can get 6-7 reps initially.  Solo M/25 W/16



WOD for Monday 4-22-13 Adelynn/Jade take 2nd place at Garage Games.

April 22, 2013

Strength- Back Squat 3×3 For load

Strength 2- Front Squat 3×3 For load

Work- 5 RFT (10 minute cap)

Back Squat x 8 @ 225/145

Shoulder to Overhead x 8 @ 135/95

One bar, from the rack.  Nascar your own plates as you change weights from one action to the next.  One of my favorites…


Tomorrow I will recap the Garage Games in greater detail, but for now Big Congrats to Rick and Wendy Cheek for completing their first CrossFit competition.  Jade and Adelynn took second of 11 teams in the Female/Female Rx’d, with Adelynn a first time CF competitor.  Whitney and Myself placed 9 of 17 in the Mixed Couples Rx’d, exactly in the middle so, shy of my goal of finishing in the top half.   Despite some issues, a good time was had by all.



NO OPEN GYM Saturday 4-20.

April 20, 2013

Garage Games in Myrtle Beach has depleted our staff.  We will add hours to make up this missed session in the near future.  


Wod for Friday 4-19-13

April 19, 2013

Strength – 3×3 Deadlift for load.

Strength 2- Deadlift 5×1 Greater load than 3×3 but less than 100%

Work- 5 Rounds for Time of

Row 300

Run 200

Deadlifts (Touch and Go) 225/155  1st round 10 reps, 2nd round 8 reps, 3rd round 6 reps, 4th round 4 reps, 5th round 2 reps.