Archive for May, 2015


WOD for Friday. Open Gym Saturday 10-12

May 29, 2015


Primary: Deadlift 3×3 for peak.  Still being careful.

Accessory: Deadlift 4×1 @ greater than Primary.

Work- 5 min Airdyne for Max calories 5 min row for max calories 5 min burpees,  800 m run for time.  score each element separately.


Peak your Squat and Shoulder press.

Given yesterday’s Pullup load there is purposely no pulling actions programmed for today.

Work- 5 rft

5 Sumo Deads @ 225/155

10 Pushups

50 Heavyrope SIngles


WOD for Thursday 5-28-15

May 28, 2015


Primary: 3×3 Shoulder Press for Peak

Accessory 1: 3×2 Push Press.  Jump 10% vs Primary to start.

Work: A) 5 Minute- 5 Power Cleans  @ 135/95, 50 Heavy Rope Singles.  rest 5   B) 5 Ten M shuttle lengths, 20 KB Swings 24/16

Accessory 2: Scapular retractions with a band.


Work- (based on the CFG 2015 Regionals Event 6)


25 Calorie row

15 Chest To Bar Pullups

9 Handstand Pushups


WOD for Wednesday 5-27-15

May 27, 2015


Deadlift 3×3 for peak.  You are cleared to go to 100% if you feel like you can be safe in doing so.

Work- EMOMx10- Even 3 Muscleups, Odd- 3 Squat Cleans @ 155/105  Rest 2 Mins- EMOM x 10 Even- 3 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24, Odd 3 Split Jerks 155/105.


Primary- Bench press 3×3 for peak.  Accessory 4×1 Bench press.  1 second pause on chest.  Work- 21-15-9 Bar Dips( Pushups) row calories, Reverse Lunges 45/25 plate.


I don’t ask for much….

May 27, 2015

but please resume posting your scores on our brand new, superawesome weekly whiteboards. It is more important to your fellow members than perhaps you realize.

You are not getting all you pay for if you just kind of stroll in, do whatever I’m asking you to do, stroll out and kinda think you’re getting better, maybe. I mean I feel like I’m stronger, I think. And last week I did 185 for 5 or maybe it was 190 for 4, I’m not sure…

So please,  as a personal favor to me, or to Whitney if you like her better (which is fine, totally fine,  whatever I’m not mad) please write your scores down before you leave.

Posting on the website would be great as well…


WOD for Tuesday 5-26-15

May 26, 2015

First,  please be advised that while officially, test out is M-T-W of next week, if your schedule is such that you’re away next week OR you feel like you are peaking right now (test in 1 rm x3 or 10% better than your test in 1 rm) you can test out this week. We haven’t done that before, but in the past we’ve seen some athletes peak slightly ahead of test out.  Totally up to you.


Pullup 3×3 for peak AND Squat 3×3 For peak.

Accessory-  A) 4×1 for peak both Pullup and Squat. B) Pullup- Double dumbell row 3×6-10.   Squat- Banded squat tempo controlled at 10-10-10-x.

Work- 5 Minute amrap- 5 c2b pullups/5 Hang Squat Cleans @ 115/80


3×3 Across Pullup, Squat, Shoulder Press.

Accessory- Pullup- 3×6-8 Double Dumbell Row.  SP- Top 1/2 SP 4 heavy singles.  Squat- Banded squat tempo controlled @ 10-10-10-x


Weekend/Holiday Schedule. MURPH details, and some noteworthy performances.

May 20, 2015

We will be closed Sunday and Monday to observe Memorial Day.

Saturday we will, in the CrossFit tradition, run the BenchMark Workout MURPH.

Entirely optional, entirely scaleable.  MURPH as rx;d is

for time

run 1 mile

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 air squats

run 1 mile

Row sub = 2k x 2.  Airdyne sub= 2 Miles x 2

The calisthenics partition anyway you want.  To do them in the order written is much harder and is NOT prescribed.

We will be open regular open gym hours 10-12 and  send people out in heats every 15 minutes.  Last heat leaving at 11:15.

Some notable performances.  Neal and Andrea sub 12 on the Black side reverse ladder of Snatches/Box Jumps.   I was at 14:28 and thought I was doing OK.  a 3 minute spread is a huge margin to be beat by. Day ruined.  Ryan Perkins Front Squat 310×3!  Test in was 285.  My all time PR 300…x1.  Day worse…. Zack Parker, consecutive double unders well into the double digits.  I used to be able to do that…. Day at rock bottom.  At least I have my cool-ass speaker to play sad songs with.

Well done everyone.  I’m looking forward to test out week!


WOD’s for the week of 5-18 to 5-22.

May 18, 2015

Gold- We have two weeks remaining in the cycle. Your primary lift sets drop and become peak focused,  meaning that somewhere in your 3 sets of 3 reps you are looking to hit the heaviest weight you can.  You are no longer concerned with total poundage.  Your posted score (our new scoreboards should be ready by monday evening) is your heaviest successfully completed set.  So if your sets go 115×3, 135×3 and 145×2  your score is 135.

Your accessory work becomes more important and there are now 2 accessory actions instead of just one.  Although these are NOT scored, your intensity here should be very high.

Monday- Primary  Pullup 3×3 for peak.  Accessory A) Bent row 3×5.  B)Standing Barbell Bicep Curl 3×8.  Work- For Time- Run 800 M, 50 Snatches at 95/65, Run 800 M.

Tuesday- Primary Squat 3×3 for peak.  Accessory A) Squat 3×2 with a 2 second pause at below Parallel.  B)GHD Back Extension 3×5  Work- 5RFT 30 doubles, 15 grasshoppers.

Wednesday- Primary  Bench press 3×3 for peak.  Accessory A) Top 1/2 Bench Press 3×5 B) Ring Pushups 3×5.  Partner add load.  Work- GRACE –  30 Clean and jerks (ground to overhead) for time.  135/95.

Thursday- Primary Shoulder Press 3×3 for peak.  Accessory A) 3×5-10 Bar Dips  B) Dumbell tricep extension 3×5-8 Work- Open Gym, as you see fit.  Don’t do anything shoulder or low back intensive.

Friday- Primary  Deadlift 3×3 for peak (do not exceed 90% of total effort if you are uncertain about your ability to maintain spinal extension).   Accessory  (performed after the work capacity)- A) 3×5 Deadlift from 3′ blocks.   B) PVC Cobras 3×10  Work- For Time  40 Wallballs, 20 OTB Burpees, 10 Deadlifts at 80% of Primary, 20 OTB Burpees, 40 Wallballs.


Monday-  3×3  Across on the squat, shoulder press and pullups.  Accessory – Squat: 4×1 Singles Greater than Primary but no misses. Shoulder Press-3×3 Negatives. Push jerk up, Shoulder Press down.  Pullup:  3×5 Snatch Grip Bent Row.  Go heavy.

Tuesday-  Work:  ForTime  20 snatches at 95/65,  10 Box Jumps (rxd is no Step) 30/24″,  15 Snatches at 115/80, 15 Box Jumps 24/20″, 10 Snatches at 135/95, 20 Box Jumps 20/16″

Wednesday- Deadlift 3×3 for peak. GHD back extension 3×5.  Rest and recover.

Th or F-  Squat and SP for peak 4×3.  Accessory- 3×5-8 Lunges, rear Leg elevated.  SP- 4×1 Heavy singles.  Greater than Primary but no misses.  Pullup- Weighted Static Hold 1x each +70lb KB,  +53Lb KB, +35lb KB.  Work- 10 Minute AMRAP  10 AD calories/10 Burpees,  rest 10  Then 5 rft 30 Doubles/15 Grasshoppers.


WOD’s for Friday 5-15-15

May 15, 2015


Primary- Deadlift 4×3 for total load.  Accessory- 3×3 Deadlifts from a 3″ defcit. 75% of primary.  Work- For time 25 Thrusters, 1 Bear Crawl Lap/  20 Thrusters, 2 Bear Crawl laps/  15/3,  10/4. 5/5 For time.  Thrusters 85/55 lbs.


Squat and Shoulder Press 4×3 for peak. Squat Accessory- 4×2 Alternate Squat.  Shoulder Press Accessory- 4×1 SP Singles from the top. (Push Jerk to the top, then drop and rebound strict SP x1)  Pullup Accessory – 4x Singles from the top.  Jump up, descend then pull up.


WOD for Th. 5-14-15

May 14, 2015


Primary Strength-  4×3 Shoulder press for total load  Accessory Strength-  4×3 Top Half Shoulder press @ 80-90% of Primary.

Work- For time– 1/2 Mile Airdyne, 15 Burpees, 25 KB Swings, 15 Burpees, 1/2 Mile Airdyne.  We’ve done something very similar with 500 m rows replacing the 1/2 mile Airdyne.  This should be comparable in time and suffering.


30-20-10  For time – Row Calories, WallBalls

Rest 10  then

30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″


WODs for Tuesday and Wednesday 5-12 & 13-15

May 12, 2015

Thanks to all who came to kick the tires in the new gym today.  I hope your experience was enhanced by the location change.  While I very often say “I’m here to make you fit not happy”  that is entirely facetious, and nor are the two exclusive of one another.   In fact, we consistently hope that your time at the gym be the best and most rewarding hour of the day,  or at least in the top 2.

One administrative note:  The changeover from 6 to 7 is our highest traffic volume.  Please be aware of the several spaces on the far side of Souther Sign HQ.  You can’t miss them, and I will park thereabouts tomorrow.  This is preferred vsdirectly in front of the SS building.  Also, parking in the lane between SS and the post office is totally cool.

There are, quite understandably, many questions,  a few of which I’ll try to address briefly.

Ropes and rings will be up soon.  Likely by the end of the week/weekend. Meanwhile, ring training can be preserved by mounting your rings from one of our higher pullup bars.

Outdoor running will likely take the following route:  Out the garage door bay, across our parking lot, across the post office parking lot, and then down the back road towards Coastal Christian High School.  I hope to have separate turnaround points at 200, 400 and 800 giving you mile runs with only one dead stop.  We should have these established a few days after the rain lets up,  so definitely by August.

The Lounge.  Beloved by all the membership still with us from CFCB1.0 @ the Boardwalk, the lounge makes it’s triumphant return.  We’ll have a minimum of 3 recovery chairs (they will, again, look very much like the plastic Adirondack chairs you see outside of Harris-Teeter) possibly a coffee table, perhaps complete with fitness related magazines.  Our whiteboard and leaderboards will probably mount on the front wall.

Kids Programming-  Jim K.  who currently administers the youth athletic development program that’s operated inside our doors for the last few years will likely maintain a similar if not identical schedule.  During the summer, kids may workout out during our 8-845 Open gym time, in which case we’d add additional Open Gym hours elsewhere.

Child care- The problem IS,  of course YOUR kids are great and well behaved, but if we accommodate them, we have to accommodate that guy’s kids who suck, or a snooty guest from Fairfield County brings their God Awful spawn and let’s them cry forever because that’s the way we do it in the north, etc etc.    As the website says (if you havent already done so, please go look at the site HERE. the gym’s not a great environment for kids, BUT if bringing your kids is your only option, we want you in the gym.  Just bring them some benadryl, or a violent, immersive video game etc to keep them sedated and/or occupied.

OK- WODS are


Tuesday-Primary  4×3 Squat.   Accessory 3×8 lunges for load.  Work-  for time.  30-20-10 Toes to bar, Burpees (last performed 4/21)

Wednesday- Primary 4×3 Bench Press.  Accessory 3×5-8 bar dips.  Work- 3 on, 1 off x5 rounds of 5 Pushups, 10 Situps, 15 Air Squats.  For reps.


Tuesday-  DT.   5rft of 12 Deadlifts/9 Hang Cleans/6 s20 @ 155/105

Wednesday- 1st- 4×3 Deadlift  2nd- 3×2 Pulls From 3″ deficit. 3×10 GHD Back extensions. Stretch, Roll and recover.