Archive for April, 2016



April 30, 2016


OPEN GYM 10-NOON.  There is no yoga this Saturday.  Heather is training other yoga instructors.


OLYMPIC LIFTING 8:45 – 10 AM.  Kayla the PR machine, is ready to help YOU get your fast lifts faster.

OPEN GYM 10- NOON  & Momster Mash with Jill is ON.


WOD for Friday 4-29-16. Note the class cancellations.

April 29, 2016

First and Foremost-  A mix of circumstances is such that I need to cancel all the AM classes on Friday 4-29.  1pm will be taught by Jill and at 5 & 6 Brandon is instructing.  I apologize for any inconvenience and hope to add compensatory hours in the near future.


Strength-  Deadlift 4×5.  Full stop, not touch and go.  As always, be somewhat cautious with your intensity. Pull the bar tight and then stand it up slowly.  Don’t grip it and rip it off the ground with speed.

Accessory- Snatch Grip Deadlift: tempo @ 2-1-2-1.  Go light enough that you can monitor your alignment and form the whole time.

Technique- 5-10 Minutes Overhead Squat Review.  Video HERE.

Work- Every 90 seconds for 8 cycles (12 minutes) perform

1 Power Snatch

1 Hang Snatch

1 Overhead Squat

Ascend in load when appropriate:  In terms of “Pretty or Shitty”, if you succeed at say 105, and it’s a mess you CAN count it, but don’t advance your weight.  Stay at 105 and try to clean it up.  If you should miss, reduce your weight for the next cycle.




WOD for Thursday 4-28-16. Also, FIREFIGHTER FITNESS CHALLENGE event details.

April 28, 2016

Primary Lift-  bench press 4×5.  Full stop.  

Accessory-  Dumbell Bench Press 3 x 6-8 reps 2-2-2-2

Work Capacity-  Run 1 mile at PR pace,  or 10 Mins Max Effort Row/AD/Ski Erg.


The firefighter fitness challenge looks to have registrations/athlete briefings around 9am, events kick off at 10 and conclude by 2 or 2:30. NOW,  never in the history of CrossFit has a first time event stayed on time, so expect them to run longer, but that IS shorter than it could have been.

I’m told there are 3 events.  a)  a mile run collectively as a team, carrying some measure of weighted object.  b) Max Rep thrusters in 10 minutes with varying weight loads equaling correspondingly more points,   so 65/95/115/135 type of deal.  c) tire flips.  Not sure of time weight or scheme here.

Anyway, as we kind of suspected,  all accessible events.  No muscleups, double unders or snatches.  Nothing too technical or CF specific.

Recall, this is  Saturday June 4th, 3 person same gender teams.  $120/team,  goes to a scholarship fund.  Start assembling teams now!



WOD for Wednesday 4-27-16

April 27, 2016

Primary-  Pullup or Row.  4×5

No accessory period

Work-  Amrap in 30 minutes – 5 reps each of 1)Pullups (men- chest to bar) 2)Clean And Jerk 115/85 3) Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 4) Crossover Pushups  5)  Shuttle run LAPS


WOD for M and Tu. &&& !! Stuff to sign up for.

April 25, 2016

Sets go up and reps go down.  Therefore, if in your last set last week you got

6 reps, go up 2%

7 reps, go up 4%

8 reps, go up 7%

9 reps, go up 10%


Primary Lift is Shoulder press 4×5.

Accessory Lift is Single arm, seated Dumbell Shoulder Press 4x 5-8 reps x 3 sets r and l

Work- 21-15-9 Row Calories, Thrusters @ 95/65.  This was one of the Master’s Qualifier Workouts.  I did this Sunday and it throws you a mean little pop.  I finished in 4:35.  I didn’t have the shoulder load directly in front of it like you will, BUT I did have the accumulated fatigue of 21 Muscleups the day prior.  On balance, I think your prior work will affect the wod more than mine.


Primary Lift is Back squat 4×5.

Accessory Work  30 second Static Hold x 3 Against a resistance band.  This is a great offset to people whose knees bow in.

Sled Push- Men at + 135/ Women at + 75.  Down and Back 1x every 4th Minute.


Team games returns!!!  Saturday May 7th 10 am to 12 noon.  Signup will be on the Benchmark WODs board.  please don’t signup and then not come.  That is a logistical mess,  (and a huge emotional letdown).  BUT, if you CAN make it, you will have a great time,  that’s guaranteed or your money back*.

Firefighter Challenge-  June 4th, also a Saturday.  Details have yet to be announced but here’s a GREAT chance to 1) compete without traveling  2) pay a below market $40 per person 3) team workouts are always more fun.  It’s at the battleship.  I have created a signup list for people who are possibly interested and who are looking for teammates.  If you are definitely interested and want to proactively recruit a team, don’t sign up cause then you’ll just have to come up with excuses for why you don;t want to be on someone’s team when THEY ask YOU…AWK-werd.

Private Goal Setting is  front burnered as of Wednesday.  Look for signup times and let’s get you pointed in the right direction.

*- Cost for team games is $0.00





Weekend Schedule 4-23/24-16

April 23, 2016

Open Gym is both days 10-12 noon.

Olympic Lifting is intact at 8:45 Sunday.  There is no saturday yoga this week.

Open gym would be a great time to work on open your fist on the clean catch, or perfecting the row cadence we reviewed on thursday….


WOD for Thursday and Friday 4-21-16 and 4-22-16

April 21, 2016

Recall  Yoga is TONIGHT  (thursday, 4-21 at 7pm ,  no Yoga Saturday.


Warmup/Tech Combined-  Row Review and Clean Review.

Primary-  Bench Press 3×8

Accessory- Lying Dumbell Tricep Extension 3×5 @ 2-1-2-1

Work-  “Seal Drags” for time.  2 attempts.


Primary- Deadlift 3×8

Accessory- Snatch Grip Standing Barbell Shrug 3×5 @ 1-1-1-1 (Basically, this tempo just means “control the weight”  as opposed to bounce or twitch like a maniac)

Work- AMRAP in 10 Minutes– 10 Cleans (power or full) @ 155/105,  30 Double unders (90 singles).  I did this yesterday and got 4 full founds plus cleans BUT i jumped in fresh with no deadlift fatigue preceding it.

OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL WORK- For anyone who wants additional work, and/or is up for some more, The Master’s Qualifier Workouts just posted. Feel free to test drive these wods for me and if you do so, I;d love your feedback on how they went. They are as follows.

1) 1 Rep Max Deadlift. No time limit. As many attempts as possible.

2) AMRAP in 15. 55 Doubles, 15 c2bar pullups, 5 Hang Power Cleans at 155/105

3) 21-15-9 for time Row Calories/ Thrusters @ 95/65.

4) For Time- 55 Bar Facing Burpees, 34 OH Squats 2 95/65, 21 Ring Muscle Ups

Instructors: No need to prep people on these options. Please focus on the 10 Clean/30 Doubles WOD.

Shoulder Prehab-  ESsENTIAL.  We’ve been away from this too long.  2×20 Banded scapular retractions.  2×20 r & l  resisted external rotation. 2 Minute demo video on our Facebook page.




WOD for Tuesday and Wednesday 4-19 & 20-16

April 19, 2016


Primary Lift-  Back Squat

Accessory-  Good Morning  3×5  2-1-1-2

Work-  4 Minutes max reps Stepups  to 24″/20″  (alternate right and left) with a 45/25 plate held overhead.



Primary lift- Pullup or Row

Accessory- Barbell Bicep Curl 3×5 @ 2-1-2-1

Work-  Last performed 2-1-13,  before that, 11-13-12

In this workout, you must perform the buy in first and the cash out last,  everywhere else you can stop and leave as you see fit.  For example, you can perfomr 5 rope climbs to knock that off your plate, or perform 1 rope climb, move on to anything else, and return to rope climbs as you see fit.  This marks the second time in 3 days that you end up doing heavier than normal wallballs, but the volume in THIS workout is not at all huge.  Nor should 10 deadlifts get in the way of your friday deadlift strength period.  If 275/155 is prohibitively heavy (say,  greater than 85% of 1 rep max) please scale the loads down.

25 Burpee Buy In

5 Rope Climbs

10 Deadlifts at 275/155

15 Shoulder press @ 135/95

20 Front Squats @ 135/95

25 Calorie Row

30 Wallballs at 30/20

25 Reverse Burpees–Cash Out


WOD for Monday 7-18-16

April 18, 2016

This is your last week of sets of 8.  There is no tempo control so really this is your first apples to apples comparison to the prior week.  Next week is the first week of three at 4×5 and thereafter 3 weeks at 4×3

Start 5% heavier than your heaviest set of 8 reps.  Go up anytime you get 8 reps.

A) Primary Lift is Shoulder Press 3×8

B) Accessory-  top half shoulder press.  3×5.  Focus on a fast aggressive “head forward”

C) Work- For max reps : 3 minutes each, 1 minute transition/rest.   A) Dumbell Snatches 40/25, B) WallBalls @ 30/20 C) Touch the Ground Box Jumps 24/20 D) Airdyne Calories

D) Shoulder Prehab


Personal Training. Individual Goal Setting

April 16, 2016

Two quick notes:

Gage, our Friday AM Instructor has been personal training at a couple different local venues and will be offering one to one instruction at CFCB in the near future.   These private sessions can be functional/CrossFit related and/or more muscle development slash weightlifting focused.  If you don;t know it already, Gage has some GREAT numbers and work capacity.  If he’d been in our CFCB leaderboard rankongs he’d have won.  Until summer session starts his availability is limited to the 7pm hour and weekends following open gym, but as of mid June, more hours will be available.  Please feel free to contact Gage directly at 919-730-6017 or


Second: Demand  for individual goal consults has been higher than I realized, which is great, but I find I am slightly backlogged.  I have about 8-9 days til my competition season is over and thereafter I should be able to schedule and accommodate many more of you.   I have not forgotten or ignored any of you,  please continue to look at the BENCHMARK WOD board for availability.  Remember these consults are free!  If you have a firmly defined goal beyond “Get in the best shape possible in 1 hour a day 4 to 5 times a week”  consider scheduling.

See you all at Open Gym 10-12!