
WOD for Thursday 6-20-13

June 20, 2013

For time

25 Pullups

Row 1 Mile (1600 m)

25 Pullups

Run 1 Mile

25 Pullups



15 Pullups

Row 1200

15 Pullups

Run 1200

15 Pullups


  1. 18:17 Rx
    1st set 15/10
    2nd set 8/7/5/3/2
    3rd set 25
    I wish I had my row & run times.

  2. 20:40 rx

    • Greg was 17 something…. kicked my but!

  3. First WOD since about November. Felt great to be back at CFCB, Ive really missed you all more than you know. Ill be working my self back in VERY slowly. Today was a good opportunity to start scaling my way back. I did the scaled version, and you all spanked me RX’d!

    21:06*** Pullups felt strong. Did all 15 last round unbroken. Row was slow about 6 and change. Run was brutal. Mostly a walk. Did .5 on treadmill to minimize impact and last quarter outside to break up the monotony.

    Yes, it felt as shitty as I remember, but I am a sucker for punishment. I wish Kathleen was there to bitch along with me. I look forward to competing with you all again!!!

    • HAAA! This post made my day! Great to have you back!

    • So awesome to have you back!!

    • Welcome back! 6am class will take u anytime!

  4. I went 1750, or 23 seconds slower than Greg B’s TOTD at 1727.

    The butterfly has improved a little bit in the last two weeks with a slight adjustment away from the bar, and this helped a lot as I went unbroken on sets 1 and 3, and dropped at 16 on set 2. Row was 635 and run was a disappointing 830, about a minute slower than my pre-wod goal. Tried to push my pace but couldnt sustain it for more than 20 or 30 yards before I fell back to plodding

  5. I am on R&R today and tomorrow to not be burnt out for the GoRuck. See everyone Monday or those other silly people rucking on Friday.

  6. 28:03 rx’d with a big asterisk!
    Once the oxygen came back to my brain, I realized that when I got to the last round I actually only did 20 pull ups. I got to 9 & said 11 more. I penalize myself an extra minute for the last 5 pull ups & having a college degree in math & thinking that 9 + 11 = 25. So time 29:03.

    I want to do this one again soon.

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