
WOD for Tuesday 10-6-15

October 6, 2015

10 MInutes Snatch Instruction OR 3-3-3-3-Snatch Balance Ascending.  Snatch Balance/Drop Snatch Video HERE.


For time

100 Doubles (300 SIngles)/ 10 Full Snatches @ 115/80  (scale via weight reduction 1st,  Scale to Power Snatch 2nd)






Great work on a tough training session today.  Some notes:  Adelynn (2016) G.  TOTD at 5 weeks(?) post partum.  Lisa and Rachel Rx’d.  Vilija, who has been following a 12 week Olympic Lifting Cycle and playing rec soccer 2x week got second best score of the day.    Aryn and Heidi made some great strides in form and technique. Terrance, Nick and Jason all placed on the top 3 leaderboard for the push press.

Thanks to 1 and 5 pm for running smoothly despite a significant crowd.  Some new equipment is on order as of now.


  1. Link isn’t posted to the video

  2. 20:07 RX

  3. 23:49 @55, double unders. Two movements I really struggle with

  4. DNF-25:00 capped myself with 20/2 remaining. 95# and singles.
    Totally struggle with jump rope.

  5. DNF. Capped self at 25:00 with 20/2 remaining. 95# and singles.
    Totally struggle with jump rope.

  6. 12:57 – scaled to just bar for snatches and singles

  7. Subbed OHS at 80 lbs for snatches. DUs. Time 17:38

  8. 11:36 at 65 lbs. I should have done 80 lbs.

  9. 21:01 @55 / DUs

    First time doing full snatch. Usually avoided it due to shoulder pain. They turned into a power snatch, then ohs.
    Dus were a hot mess first 2 rounds. Used a rope that I never used before and it took a little while to get a good rhythm. Round 60 split 40/20. Unbroken round 40 & 20.

  10. 264 reps @ 55 with Du’s except last 30. 23 min cap. Started off strong with the double unders and by the round of 80 I could not string 2 together. By the round of 60 I was missing so much I switched to singles half way so I could keep going in the workout. I’m very happy I could do 55lbs though, that has always been hit or miss for me.

  11. Of course new equipment is on the way- whenever I leave for two weeks I come back to new stuff. The tradition lives on!

  12. Couldn’t make it to the gym today due to my schedule. I wanted to do something that wouldn’t fatigue anything for the rest of the week. At home I did:
    For time:
    10 rounds of 10 burpees/ 10 sit-ups

  13. 19:11 at 65. Struggled getting the movement down. Definitely needs work

  14. 20:26
    Scaled snatch to 75
    Couldn’t get DU’s to go today. I think the most I got at one time was 14.

  15. Scaled to singles and 35# snatches to work on depth/ technique. 14:15 overall time.

  16. 22:29 scaled to 95lbs

  17. Did yesterday’s- it was shitty but really I was just a pussy!

    182 Rx

  18. @65, singles. finished at about 20:30. Gotta work on DUs.

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